Franklin Neyt
Zelzate, Belgium
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Recording of Sharing Inspiration - Energy: The Elephant in the Room
Recording of Sharing Inspiration - Energy: The Elephant in the Room
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Stephan Griebel
Author: Ian Galloway, Hans-Martin Hilbig, Cathy Baars, Franklin Neyt, Markku Parkkonen, Harald Herzig
Topic: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, STEM, Computer Science
RGB Array bargraph mathematical analyse
The mathematical analysis to start programming a RGB bargraph on the TI RGB array. The sensor value between 0 and 4096 is divided in a color range from red to orange to yellow and green.
Publisher: Franklin Neyt, Franklin Neyt
Topic: STEM
Instructies die je toelaten je TI HUB sketch te updaten zodat je deze kan gebruiken in je TI Innovator Rover. Bevat de links naar de TI innovator HUB update software en de laatste versie va…
Publisher: Franklin Neyt
Author: Franklin Neyt
Topic: Other