Yunus Emre Doğan
İstanbul, Turkey
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Recording of Sharing Inspiration - Computational Thinking and Coding in the Classroom
Recording of Sharing Inspiration - Computational Thinking and Coding in the Classroom
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Stephan Griebel
Author: Ian Galloway, Cathy Baars, Alexandre Gomes, Ramon Moorlag, Tonguç Özdaş, Uğur Mert, Yunus Emre Doğan
Topic: Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, STEM
From CBR To TI Innovator Hub: Metamorphosis of a Math Teacher
Presentation shown at Sharing Inspiration - Computational Thinking and Coding in the Classroom
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Stephan Griebel
Author: Tonguç Özdaş, Uğur Mert, Yunus Emre Doğan
Topic: Mathematics, STEM
Playground activity: Will you take a risk or play it safe?
It's a risk taking and optimization game. Participants will play a game against each other to find the best or optimized solution for given challenge.
Publisher: T³ Türkiye
Author: Yunus Emre Doğan
Topic: Mathematics, STEM
New Generation of Data Collection Tools
This is a wide-ranging workshop which will delve into the different areas from sensors, probes, coding with TI-84 and HUB to limitations and solutions.
Publisher: T³ Türkiye
Author: Yunus Emre Doğan
Topic: Mathematics, STEM
Normal Dağılım ve Olasılık Hesapları
Bu videoda TI-84 Plus CE-T üzerinde bulunan olasılık dağılım fonksiyonları ve çizim komutlarını kullanarak normal dağılım eğrisi üzerinde çalıştık.
Publisher: T³ Türkiye
Author: Yunus Emre Doğan
Topic: Mathematics
Bu bölümde TI-84 içinde kullanıma hazır halde bulunan TI-BASIC programlama dili ile ikinci dereceden denklemlerin köklerini inceleyen bir program yazdık.
Publisher: T³ Türkiye
Author: Yunus Emre Doğan
Topic: Mathematics