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Största omkrets och area | TI-84 Plus CE-T
Kurs 4 - Teckna uttryck för en rektangels omkrets och area och bestämma det värde på x respektive v som ger den största möjliga omkretsen och arean.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology, Texas Instruments Education Technology
Author: TI Sweden
Topic: Mathematics
Roliga timmen - Utmaning - Siffran 15
Siffrorna i varje rad, kolumn och diagonal ska bli 15
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Mathematics
Recognise a quadratic in a realistic context and solve an optimisation problem
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Editor: Barrie Galpin
Author: Allan Duncan
Topic: Mathematics
Investigate relationships between radii of the semicircles and the perimeter and area of this interesting shape
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Editor: Barrie Galpin
Author: Allan Duncan
Topic: Mathematics
Investigate the ratio of perimeter to diameter for regular polygons.
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Editor: Barrie Galpin
Topic: Mathematics