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Ringa in en cirkel

Ma 3 - Aritmetik, algebra och geometri - Detta exempel täcker in flera områden i kurs 3

Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Mathematical thinking, Circle, Material to order, Pythagoras, Trigonometry

Cone Volumes

Calculate and optimise the volume of a cone using a variety of measurements. (OS 3.x)

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Nevil Hopley

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Functions, 3D objects, Surface area, Pythagoras, Triangle, Cones, Trigonometry, Volume

Stacking circles

Circles are stacked. How high is the top point above the ground?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: David J C Elgin

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Pythagoras

Pythagoras - two approaches

Areas of squares ...or lengths of sides, squared?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Allan Duncan

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Pythagoras

Trig in a right angled triangle

Trig problems in right angled triangles are solved.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: David J C Elgin

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Pythagoras, Trigonometry

High ground, low ground

What is the quickest route from Start to Finish across two types of ground where different speeds are possible?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Author: David J C Elgin

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Pythagoras, Velocity, Time

Pythagoras' Theorem

Discover, confirm, illustrate and use Pythagoras' Theorem

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Jay Timotheus

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Pythagoras

CAliMERO - Computer-Algebra im Mathematikunterricht. Band 9: Arbeitsmaterialien für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Die Materialien entstanden im Rahmen eines Schulversuches des Landes Niedersachsen mit dem Thema: Computer-Algebra-Systeme im Mathematikunterricht der Jahrgänge 7-10 des Gymnasiums.

Author: T³ Deutschland - Materialien

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Mathematical thinking, Circle, Pythagoras, Trigonometry