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Weihnachtliche Grüße in Python

Weihnachtliche Grüße in Python programmiert? Lassen Sie sich von dieser Animation überraschen und anregen.

Publisher: T³ Europe

Author: Bert Wikkerink, John Hanna, Hans-Martin Hilbig

Topic:  Computer Science, STEM

Tags: Programming, Python, Animations

Christmas Lights using TI-RGB Array

Animated LED turn-on, fade-out program, as used by popular Christmas Light decoration.

Author: Hans-Martin Hilbig

Topic:  STEM

Tags: Animations, Coding, STEM, TI-Innovator

Applications in the Classroom

Graphing Calculator Software Applications (APPS) are pieces of software that can be downloaded onto a TI graphing calculator as you would add software to a computer to enhance its capabilit…

Publisher: T³ Europe

Editor: Koen Stulens

Author: Martin van Reeuwijk, Serge Etienne, Hildegard Urban-Woldron, T³ Europe

Topic:  Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Analysis, Animations, Calculus, Data collection, Dynamic Simulations, Finance, Inequalities, Cones, Spreadsheets, Area

Transversals in Triangles

Simple properties of medians, central verticals, angle bisectors and heights are shown.The idea is to show that it is not self-evident, that transversal lines in a triangle intersect in one…

Author: Dieter Bergmann

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: 2D shapes, Algebra, Analysis, Analytic Geometry, Animations, Calculus, Chaos, Derivative, Didactics, Dynamic Simulations, Dynamic Systems, Equations, Function Plotter, Functions, Geometry, Graphing, Sharing Inspiration 2017, Solving equations, Triangle, Zeros