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C’est l’Écossais John Napier (ou Neper) (1550-1617) qui inventa les logarithmes, pour faciliter les calculs propres aux activités de banque et de commerce, puis pour les calculs dans la mar…
Publisher: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Author: Robert Cabane, Laurent Didier
Topic: Mathematics, Computer Science

De vanligaste orden | TI-Nspire CX
Här kommer matematiken in och det handlar bland annat om omvänd proportionalitet, logaritmer och räta linjens ekvation.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Editor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Mathematics

Logaritmen & e -machten TI-Nspire CX
Publisher: WIL-de Wiskunde
Editor: WIL-de Wiskunde
Author: WIL-de Wiskunde
Topic: Mathematics

Logaritmen & e -machten TI-84 Plus CE-T
Publisher: WIL-de Wiskunde
Editor: WIL-de Wiskunde
Author: WIL-de Wiskunde
Topic: Mathematics

Logaritmische schaalverdelingen
Maak een plot met enkel of dubbel-logaritmische schaalverdeling.
Publisher: Jan Elemans
Editor: Jan Elemans
Author: Jan Elemans
Topic: Mathematics

Ma 2 - Algebra - Motsatser / invers
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics

Tillämpningar på logaritmer kan avslöja fuskare
Ma 2 | Algebra | Varför börjar så många tal med en etta?
Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Mathematics

Modelling situations where experimental data suggests there may be either power or exponential functions
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Editor: Barrie Galpin
Topic: Mathematics