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Activités mathématiques en classe de seconde - 17. Représentation graphique de données
Publisher: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Author: Jean-Baptiste Civet, Boris Hanus, Isabelle Pazé
Topic: Mathematics

Activités mathématiques en classe de première technologique - 17. Suite quelconque
Publisher: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Author: Matthieu Carbon, Jean-Baptiste Civet
Topic: Mathematics

Activités mathématiques en classe de terminale technologique - 21. Loi binomiale et seuil
Publisher: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Author: Boris Hanus, Isabelle Pazé, Gérald Torres
Topic: Mathematics, Computer Science

Activités mathématiques en classe de terminale technologique - 19. Loi binomiale
Publisher: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Author: Boris Hanus, Isabelle Pazé, Gérald Torres
Topic: Mathematics

Activités mathématiques en classe de terminale technologique - 17. Ajustement non linéaire
Publisher: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Author: Boris Hanus, Isabelle Pazé, Gérald Torres
Topic: Mathematics

Activités mathématiques en classe de terminale technologique - 16. Méthode des moindres carrés
Publisher: T3 France
Editor: T3 France
Author: Boris Hanus, Isabelle Pazé, Gérald Torres
Topic: Mathematics

Tricks och Tips (2) - Statistiska samband
Här visas vi hur man kan ladda ner stora datamängder från webben till räknaren statistikeditor och sedan göra olika analyser.
Publisher: TI Sweden
Author: TI Sweden
Topic: Mathematics

A square is dissected to form three triangles and a quadrilateral. What fraction of the square is each part?
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Editor: Barrie Galpin
Topic: Mathematics

Use the TI-Nspire Handheld (either Numeric or CAS) to investigate and generalise results from numerical patterns.
Author: Nevil Hopley
Topic: Mathematics

Modelling situations where experimental data suggests there may be either power or exponential functions
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Editor: Barrie Galpin
Topic: Mathematics

Give pupils an insight into the ?black box? that is the least squares regression formula.
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Author: Jonathan Powell
Topic: Mathematics