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Geometrie der Dreieckstransversalen mit Unterstützung durch ein modulares Mathematiksystem im Unterricht und in der Begabtenförderung am Beispiel der Geometry-Applikation der TI-Nspire-Technologie

Dieser Beitrag soll am Beispiel der Dreieckstransversalen aufzeigen, wie die Applikation „Geometry“ der TI-Nspire-Technologie helfen kann, das Verständnis geometrischer Zusammenhäng zu verb…

Publisher: Texas Instruments Education Technology

Author: Wolfgang Häfner

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Geometry, Triangle, transversal, Analytic Geometry, MMS

Die Nutzung der TI-Nspire CAS App für iPad an Beispielen erklärt - Teil 1

In einer neu entstehenden Reihe versorgen wir Sie mit zahlreichen Lehr- und Lern-Beispielen unter Anwendung der TI-Nspire™ CAS App für iPad®. Hier finden Sie Anregungen, Aufgaben und Tipps.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Education Technology

Author: Wolfgang Häfner

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Tutorial, TI-Nspire CAS App for iPad, Term, Triangle, Linear Functions, Equations, Simultaneous equations, Geometry

Meet the Wonder Workshop Dash

Introduction to the Wonder Workshop Dash with TI technology and programming Dash with a set of Geometry challenges for middle school and high school students.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc., Texas Instruments Education Technology

Topic:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Tags: 2D shapes, Angles, Geometry, Programming, Python, Rectangles, Triangle

Der TI-Nspire™ CX II-T CAS im Mathematikunterricht der Klasse 8 – Inhaltsfeld Geometrie

Technische und didaktische Hinweise, Beispielaufgaben und Arbeitsblätter
zu dem Inhaltsfeld Geometrie, passend zum Lehrplan NRW Klasse 8.

Publisher: T³ Deutschland

Editor: Hubert Langlotz, Sebastian Rauh

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Geometry, Triangle, Polygons, Thales

On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-84 Plus CE Python

Students will learn and use foundational concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on…

Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.

Topic:  Computer Science, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Angles, Coding, Distance, Geometry, Linear Functions, Lines, Polygons, Python, STEM, TI-Innovator Rover, Triangle

Meet the TI-Rover with geometry challenges

Introduction to the TI-Rover technology and programming Rover with a set of Geometry challenges for middle school and high school students.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: 2D shapes, Angles, Geometry, Programming, Python, Rectangles, TI-Innovator Rover, Triangle

On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-Nspire CXII Python

Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.

Topic:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Angles, Coding, Distance, Geometry, Linear Functions, Lines, Measures, Points and lines, Polygons, STEM, TI-Innovator Rover, Triangle

DRAFT- On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) Mars Rover Challenge for TI-Nspire CXII Python

Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.

Topic:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Angles, Coding, Distance, Geometry, Linear Functions, Lines, Measures, Points and lines, Polygons, STEM, TI-Innovator Rover, Triangle

Herons formel | TI-84 Plus CE-T Python Edition

Ma 2 | Beräkna bl.a. arean av en triangel och avsluta med programmering i Python.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Topic:  Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Area, Probability, Programming, STEM, Triangle

Minigolf | TI-Nspire

Ma 2 - Geometri, Algebra | I denna aktivitet så studerar vi bollens bantor och studsarna.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Algebra, Computer Algebra, Integral calculus, Triangle


Bepaal met de cosinusregel een hoek of zijde.

Publisher: Jan Elemans

Editor: Jan Elemans

Author: Jan Elemans

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Number, Functions, Triangle