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Presentation shown at Sharing Inspiration - STEM Education for a Sustainable World
Publisher: T³ Europe
Author: Christine Buerki
Topic: STEM
Presentation shown at Sharing Inspiration - STEM Education for a Sustainable World
Publisher: T³ Europe
Author: Alexandre Técher
Topic: STEM
Presentation shown at Sharing Inspiration - STEM Education for a Sustainable World
Publisher: T³ Europe
Author: Hans-Martin Hilbig, Veit Berger
Topic: Computer Science, STEM
Presentation shown at Sharing Inspiration - STEM Education for a Sustainable World
Publisher: T³ Europe
Author: Alexandre Gomes
Topic: STEM
Energieertrag einer Solaranlage
Realdaten von einer schuleigenen Photovoltaikanlage analysieren, tabellarisch, graphisch und auch mitttels verschiedener Integrationsmethoden
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Author: Jürgen Enders
Topic: Mathematics, Physics
Energy Yield of a Photovoltaic System
Analyzing real-live data from a school-owned photovoltic system, as table, graphically and comparing different integration methods.
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Author: Jürgen Enders
Topic: Mathematics, Physics
The 'Garbage in the Classroom' Project shows how students can engage with a real STEM activity in a structured way. The work addresses UN Sustainability Development Goals, 4, 5 and 12…
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Author: Cathy Baars
Topic: STEM, Computer Science
Das Heft zur Bedeutung von Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO2) für den Klimawandel in englischer Sprache. Es beinhaltet ein Set von 5 Experimenten.
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Author: Frank Liebner
A set of 5 experiments to use singly or as part of a programme or as a review task by different groups in single lesson showing the complexity of inter-relationships of different properties…
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Author: Frank Liebner
The role of technology for the development and use of mathematical understanding
Die Entwicklung der Corona-Infektionszahlen in Österreich werden für eine mathematische Datenanalyse genutzt und wichtige Begriffe der Analysis hergeleitet (in engl. Sprache).
Publisher: T³ Europe
Author: Helmut Heugl
Topic: Mathematics
Solar Tracker Panels – How to simulate a Sun tracker in order to optimize solar panels orientation
Optimize the position of a rectangular solar panel in order to follow the Sun’s path during the day.
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Author: Alexandre Técher
Topic: Mathematics, Physics, STEM
The role of technology for the development and use of mathematical understanding
Analyzing data of student interest to stimulate elaborative learning.
Publisher: T³ Europe
Author: Helmut Heugl
Topic: Mathematics
Students learn that some physical quantities behave like vectors fairly early. However the nature of vectors and the application of vector algebra model to real life situations is often fai…
Publisher: T³ Europe
Author: Ian Galloway
Topic: Mathematics, Physics
Auf die richtige Beleuchtung kommt es an …
Ermüdungsfreies Arbeiten und die Gesunderhaltung der Augen untersucht mithilfe Physik, Mathematik und Informatik
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Author: Roland Seidel
Topic: Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science
The Right Lighting is Important ...
Fatigue-free work and keeping eyes healthy studied with the help of physics, mathematics and computer science
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Author: Roland Seidel
Topic: Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science
Classrooms are mini-ecosystem with own climate. Learn about the latency of environmental factors, like temperature, humidity, and air quality. Implement an automated environmental measureme…
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Author: Veit Berger, Hans-Martin Hilbig
Topic: STEM
Developing a robotic prototype for controlling the movement of an electric wheelchair, only with head movements.
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Author: Alexandre Gomes
Topic: Mathematics, STEM
Modelling Increase in Rainfall with Temperature
Rise in global temperature will lead to increase in rainfall. Thermodynamics helps to predict the future.
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Author: Ian Galloway
Topic: Physics, STEM, Mathematics
Earth’s albedo determines amount of solar radiation reflected by Earth’s surface. Carry out a lab exercise to measure Earth’s albedo using a light pro and coloured paper to resemble differe…
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Author: Armando Severino
Topic: Mathematics, Physics
Learn about Amontons’ two laws and find out why weight is not thrown forwards when stopping. We will discuss Jeremy Clarkson’s erroneous views on stopping distances and use TI STEM technolo…
Publisher: T³ Europe
Author: Ian Galloway