Texas Instruments Inc.
Dallas, USA
Here you can find STEM education resources.
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Some Like it Tepid for the TI-Nspire CX (with TI-SensorLink Adapter)
Students are challenged to design a system that informs the user if their coffee is too hot to drink. The system should notify the user of three states: Too hot to drink; too cold; or just …
Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
Editor: Texas Instruments Inc.
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Computer Science, STEM
On Ramp to Robotics Unit 2 (Sensing): Mars Mineral Challenge for the TI-84 Plus CE
In On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 2 – Sensing students will learn about the relationships between inputs (sensing) and outputs (motors, LED's, sounds) by utilizing the built-in sensors on the hub…
Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Computer Science, STEM
Making Music with Code for the TI-84 Plus CE
Students will explore introductory level coding while creating sounds and music with the TI-Innovator Hub.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Computer Science, Physics, STEM
Koda med TI | Grundläggande programmering - TI-84 Plus
Kap 1 - Övning 1 - Använda programeditorn och syntax
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: STEM
Koda med TI | Grundläggande programmering - TI-84 Plus
Kap 1 - Övning 2 - Grundläggande programmering
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: STEM
Koda med TI | Grundläggande programmering - TI-84 Plus
Kap 1 - Övning 3 -Utdata till startskärmen
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: STEM
Koda med TI | Grundläggande programmering - TI-84 Plus
Kap 1 - Tillämpning - Skapa en startskärm
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: STEM
(Rover) Move the traffic cone for the TI-Nspire CXII Python (Math in Motion Plus)
In this activity, students will use their knowledge of polygons, the coordinate plane, and equations of lines to write code to complete a set of challenges.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics
(Rover) Move the traffic cone for the TI-84 Plus CE Python (Math in Motion Plus)
In this activity, students will use their knowledge of polygons, the coordinate plane, and equations of lines to write code to complete a set of challenges.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics
Linjära ekvationer fram och tillbaka
Ma 1 - Algebra - I denna aktivitet så går vi genom hur du kan utnyttja CAS-motorn hos TI-Nspire för att steg för steg lösa ekvationer.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics
Ma 1 - Grafer och funktioner - I denna aktivitet finns fyra scenarier som ger anvisning om hur en graf som beskriver ett scenario kan ritas.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics
Ma 1 - Grafer och funktioner - I denna aktivitet ska eleverna göra observationer av rörelsen hos två objekt, i detta fall två tåg.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics
Ma 1 - Sannolikhet och statistik - Detta är en grundläggande aktivitet om hur man kan behandla och presentera data i en variabel.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics
Ma 2 - Algebra - Motsatser / invers
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics
Tillämpning av linjära olikheter
Ma 2 - Algebra - Tillämpningar av linjära olikheter.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics
Andragradsekvationer på djupet
Ma 2 - Algebra - I denna aktivitet går vi igenom vad begreppet kvadratkomplettering innebär.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics
Utforska en trigonometrisk formel
Ma 3, Ma 4 - Trigonometri - Den här aktiviteten handlar om att visualisera och utforska cosinussatsen.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics
Modellera en avkylningsprocess
Ma 5 - Differentialekvationer - Ett klassiskt exempel på en tillämpning på en differentialekvation av första ordningen.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Chemistry, Mathematics, STEM
Numeriska metoder för DE-lite mer på djupet
Ma 5 - Differentialekvationer - Numeriskt beräkna stegen i Euler och Runge Kutta-metoderna
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics, STEM
Ma 5 - Differentialekvationer - Introduktion av riktningsfält
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics