Resource Portal

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Safe autonomous driving

A “master” rover is followed by one or more rovers in a line. Based on color signals on the road the master stops or park; the followers read the ranger sensor and keep a safe distance from…

Author: Donatella Falciai

Topic:  Computer Science, STEM

Tags: Analysis, Coding, Integral calculus, Modeling, Physics, Programming, STEM, T3, TI-Innovator Rover, Sharing Inspiration 2019

Video | Moddelering med TI-Nspire

Placera dina foton som bakgrund och börja undersöka vilka matematiska modeller du har fångat.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: E-Learning, Modeling, Coding

Widget exempel - Modell och lösning - TI-Nspire teknik

Färdigt exempel som är gjort med appen Rita symboler i fysik och matematik

Publisher: T³ Sverige

Topic:  Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Tags: Electricity, Engineering, Modeling, STEM

Valresultat Riksdagen 2018

Ma 2 - Statistik - I denna aktivitet tittar vi på en stor datamängd med mer än 7000 data i kalkylarkets celler. Det handlar om resultatet från riksdagsvalet 2018.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Author: TI Sweden

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Modeling, Curriculum, Probability, Exercise, Probability experiment, Statistics, Simulation

TI-Nspire­ CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Systems of Three Linear Equation in Three Unknowns

Addressing the (simple) case of a unique solution and both explicit plotting and parametric 3D plotting

Publisher: T³ Europe

Author: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Topic:  STEM

Tags: Linear regression, Modeling, System of linear equations

Hur fungerar en parabol

Ma 2 - Geometri | Linjära och icke linjära modeller | I denna övning ska vi studera en parabels optiska egenskaper.

Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Modeling, Curriculum, Geometry, Linear, Parabola, Quadratic function

The Bungee Jumper: a simple mathematical model

Exploring the energy transfers as a bungee jumper falls by considering each of the three stores (kinetic, gravitational and elastic) as a function of x and then summing.

Publisher: T³ Europe

Author: Ian Galloway

Topic:  STEM

Tags: Acceleration, Algebra, Dynamic Simulations, Functions, Mathematical thinking, Mechanics, Modeling, Physics, Sharing Inspiration 2019, Stochastics, Sustainability

Earth-Moon Model

Constructing a scale model of the Earth and Moon in a classroom.

Publisher: T³ Europe

Author: Nevil Hopley

Topic:  STEM

Tags: E-Learning, Algebra, Modeling

Fibonacci nim

Investigate the fibonacci nim game and write a program to play the game!

Author: Bert Wikkerink

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: E-Learning, Modeling, Coding

A Lunar Ellipse

Students consider the question "What is the shape of the curve forming the terminator of the crescent moon?" They then calculate the area of the crescent and graph its variation over one m…

Author: Ian Galloway

Topic:  STEM

Tags: Coding, 3D Geometry, Randomness, Algebra, Angles, Area, T3, TI-Innovator, Ellipse, Frequency, Modeling, Physics, Sine, STEM

Project for TI-Innovator - The Banana Switch

Learn to read a digital input pin on the TI-Innovator™ Breadboard connector of TI-Innovator™ Hub.

Author: Texas Instruments Inc.

Topic:  STEM

Tags: Electricity, Engineering, Modeling, STEM

The Legacy

You have been left one million pounds! How to spend or invest it over 50 years?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Allan Duncan

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Interest, Tables, Modeling

The Warehouse Problem

Where to position a warehouse in order to minimise travelling distance to the three stores it serves?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Ron Lancaster

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Modeling