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Fiche 02_V4 - Un peu de calcul formel 1

Calcul formel : développer, factoriser une expression, résoudre une équation, calculer des sommes.

Publisher: T3 France

Editor: T3 France

Author: T3 France

Topic:  Mathematics, Computer Science

Tags: Computer Algebra, Programming

Fiche 04_V4 - Un peu de calcul formel 3

Calcul formel : intégration, développements limités.

Publisher: T3 France

Editor: T3 France

Author: T3 France

Topic:  Mathematics, Computer Science

Tags: Computer Algebra, Programming

Fiche 05_V4 - Un peu de calcul formel 4

Calcul formel : trigonométrie. Linéariser, développer, résoudre des équations trigonométriques.

Publisher: T3 France

Editor: T3 France

Author: T3 France

Topic:  Mathematics, Computer Science

Tags: Computer Algebra, Programming

Fiche 07_V4 - Représentation graphique d_une fonction

Analyse : représentation d'une fonction, tableau de valeurs.

Publisher: T3 France

Editor: T3 France

Author: T3 France

Topic:  Mathematics, Computer Science

Tags: Graphs, Computer Algebra

Fiche 08_V4 - Analyse graphique - min max zeros

Analyse : maximum, minimum, zéro d'une fonction.

Publisher: T3 France

Editor: T3 France

Author: T3 France

Topic:  Mathematics, Computer Science

Tags: Graphs, Analysis, Computer Algebra

Visa och analysera rörelse | TI-Nspire CXII-T

Ma 4-5 | I dessa tre aktiviteter är tanken är att du som lärare ska få inspiration till hur man kan arbeta med lite mer omfattande uppgifter till eleverna.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Editor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Topic:  Mathematics, Physics

Tags: Analysis, Computer Algebra, Curriculum, Trigonometry

Binary number trainer using RGB Array

Program generates random numbers, displays them as binaries on the RGB array and asks student to respond with the decimal equivalent. Supports bit width between 2 and 8 bits.

Author: Hans-Martin Hilbig

Topic:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Coding, Computer Algebra, Conversions, Decimals, Exercise, Number, Programming, STEM, TI-Innovator

Minigolf | TI-Nspire

Ma 2 - Geometri, Algebra | I denna aktivitet så studerar vi bollens bantor och studsarna.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Algebra, Computer Algebra, Integral calculus, Triangle

Linjära ekvationer fram och tillbaka

Ma 1 - Algebra - I denna aktivitet så går vi genom hur du kan utnyttja CAS-motorn hos TI-Nspire för att steg för steg lösa ekvationer.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Author: Texas Instruments Inc.

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Algebra, Computer Algebra, Curriculum, Data collection, Equations, Exercise